2017 Spring
Things are really taking off in the garden. All of the spring crops are in; peas, broccoli, lettuce, kale, mustards, and carrots. Planted first row of peas around March 9th and second row March 23rd. Only see a very few sprouts so not sure if not enough rain. We did have 2 good rain storms but still behind on our total. Carrot seeds don't seem to be doing anything. Broccoli looks good. It was started during February at work and though looked scrawny and spindly I planted them deep and they seem to be doing well. It wasn't 2 days later and I had something eating the leaves so as usual no choice but to use seven. Hate to do it but it is the only way I can keep Broccoli from being demolished. Lettuce didn't transplant well even though it looked great as starts. Arugula I planted from seed in February is coming along but as usual it will be too warm by the time it is read y to harvest. Onions and garlic doing great, really ...